I did not take this picture, but this is a picture that displays a little bit of what we drove in last night ... except we had even less visibility and it was dark outside!!! Do you see the parts on the side of the picture that are COMPLETELY white? That is what our entire front wind shield looked like ... we could see NOTHING! But let me start at the beginning.
After an insanely busy week we were fortunate to have a very fun weekend. One of my Christmas presents this year were tickets to a dinner theater in town. We went with the Law's on Friday night and had a wonderful time. The show was very silly, but also very entertaining! It was about the pirates of the North
Saskatchewan and the man who played "Captain Jack" was spot on! I seriously couldn't believe that he wasn't Johnny Depp, except that we were watching a dinner theater and I don't think Johnny would do anything like that now :-) At the end of the show they ask you to fill out comment cards which they then put into a raffle, which ... I WON!!! I never win anything and so it was a very exciting event for me! I won tickets to the next show.

(Irene this picture is for you ... I wanted you to see my outfit!!!)
Saturday we drove to Lethbridge to spend time with my cousin. It was a lovely relaxing day filled with the best manicotti I have ever eaten! WOW it was soo good! We then headed over to the main event, professional bull riding! It was very cool and very entertaining. One cowboy got trampled, but he walked away just fine. I really think that the guys who ride the bulls and the bull fighters (the clowns) are insane, but they make for a good show! Our seats were pretty close and it is truly crazy to see the size of these animals! The best ride of the night was also the guy who won! The bull was crazy and I couldn't believe that he actually stayed on that long. This sport really makes you realize just how long 8 seconds can be!
We of course headed home after that and hit the blizzard head on, in the middle of nowhere! I am normally the one who is freaking out in the passenger seat, but Justin is always very calm. Imagine how I reacted to my "really calm" husband totally freaking out because he had never driven in anything that bad before! I was so scared and I knew that my reaction was not helping the situation AT ALL so I called my dad, kept my eyes closed and just had him talk me through! I was convinced we were going to die right then and there in the middle of nowhere!!! The white wash continued until we were almost home, but we did indeed arrive safely.
Unfortunately the drive from hell almost tripled the time it should have taken to get home and it was also day light savings! With the time change we got home at 2:50am and were in bed by 3:06am. I had to be awake at 7:00am to finish the last details on my primary lesson for church and I had to arrive early so we could run through the piece I was playing before church started. I am happy to report that I played well and I think the lessons went well.
Needless to say I came home from church and as a family we all took a VERY long nap!!! It was lovely and I am so looking forward to a less hectic week ahead!
(I have pictures from the rodeo, but I can't find the cord to the camera and Justin is already asleep. I will load them tomorrow!)