---------The gas story is at the end of this post, and it is one that you don't want to miss!!---------
A downside of being a dentist is that you need to pay for many different kinds of insurance. An upside of being a dentist is that insurance agents give you incentives for meeting with them. This is how we got tickets to the Flames hockey game.
I am so bummed that I forgot to take my camera, but I come from an Oilers family and that is considered a sin in Calgary, as they are arch enemies! A couple years ago I got an Oilers jersey from my in-laws (thank you) and I wore it tonight to the Flames game, after Justin assured me that I would not get beat up! The comments that I got were very entertaining to me. My favorite was a guy in the hall "see, I knew that I should have worn my Oilers jersey!". Another ..."wrong game, wrong stadium". The usher (a sweet older man) threatened not to seat me, but Justin assured him that I was ok. The game was really fun to watch and the Flames did win. I do have to admit that it was pretty exciting to be in that stadium of red.
There was something that did happen that made my blood boil!!!! The opposing team was from the states and when the American national anthem was playing a guy a couple rows up started booing. I almost jumped over the seats and lynched him. How could anyone be so disrespectful to any country, but especially one that is neighboring his own country. No nation deserves that kind of disrespect ... ever!

I was trying soooo hard not to laugh out loud!
Way to go Justin! That's hysterical. if it was Nate he would have made an award to hang up when we got home! HA!
That is pretty awesome Justin! ;)Also, I love the picture of the three of you in the sunset!
Oh how I wish Matt could have been there to congratulate Justin during his moment of GLORY!! Rarely are farts so bad that strangers feel the need to comment on them. WAY TO GO Justin!!
Ohhh Justin! His are the worst!
I love the picture up top! Beautiful. :)
Kira, you are a brave girl. And Justin, congrats on the award-winning gas!
Very funny fart story. Those Canadians have such a good sense of humor! I would not have been so nice if I found myself stuck in Justin's fart cloud.
Having lived in a never-ending Palmer-Nielsen fart cloud, I consider myself quite the survivor.
Glad I was walking behind you! If he gets gas that bad this Christmas we may have to ban him outside in a tent!!
Love the picture on top...and Justin you're awful...yeah I'd be complaining too if I was downwind that's just nasty. Though if you were in a big crowd I think I'd just laugh and blame it on the people ahead of you :)
Oh do I miss Justin! Not that I miss smelling his work, but... :0)
Way to go dude! I'm sure that was a proud moment!
I am so happy I wasn't behind you guys.
AND I love the silhouetted picture under your blog title. It's beautiful.
I know he wasn't embarrassed. I've only seen that once in my life and it takes A LOT.
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