I know I haven't blogged in a while and I actually feel really badly about it. I blame the sunshine that has finally made an appearance and a good book. We are leaving in about 20 minutes for a 5 day vacation, but I promise to blog after that. In the meantime here is my quick "catch-up session" with TONS of pictures for mi familia :-)
lightning iking = "Lightning McQueen"
When the sun is too bright he covers his eyes and screams "I'm melting" (I have no idea where he got this from, but I think it is hilarious!
Sometimes he gets things mixed up a bit. A couple of days ago he said "I have nose in my snot, I need paper toil" (translation: I have snot in my nose I need toilet paper)
Evan is so smart! The other day he was pretending there was a satellite in the sky and kept telling me to look at it. Where he learned about satellites I will never know, but good for him!
Evan is so smart! The other day he was pretending there was a satellite in the sky and kept telling me to look at it. Where he learned about satellites I will never know, but good for him!
We left the store today and he sang (very well I might add :-) "High Ho the Dairy-O, we all done!!"
Landon was feeding himself some finger food and bit his finger ... HARD!!! He was NOT a happy camper. I feel for him though, I know first hand what it feels like when he bites :-)
He is growing so fast!! He is getting so mobile and literally gets into everything ... I LOVE IT!!
Even though Landon is still big he is starting to stretch out so he doesn't look as chunky.
We got to meet up with his maternal grandparents on the weekend. It was the first time they have seen him since his placement. It was a wonderful experience for us.
St. Patricks Day Breakfast

We were in getting Evan's chair fixed and Evan was helping. He was laying there and then he says: "I got a good idea!!! Toodles will fix it .... OH TOOODLES!!!" (That is courtesy "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, one of his favorite shows!)

The ground thawed enough that we were finally able to pull out our Candy Cane decorations from Christmas. Evan LOVES to play with them.

I just had to share one of my favorite sights in our house. Evan is constantly going around the kitchen and bringing me random things!!!!! :-)

I went to a good friends going away party (sooo sad!!!) Yes that is a snuggie for dogs!!! It has to be one of the funniest things I have ever seen.
Yesterday was so beautiful in Calgary. I decided to take the boys on a hike. We drove out to a not so nice Elbow Falls. It was soooo cold and icy. I am just glad that I brought layers for all of us and that we didn't end up dying on the ice!!! Despite everything it was just as BEAUTIFUL as I remember it being!! Evan loved it!!!!!!! Landon did not!!!!!!!!!!

Landon cried the entire time and then when I picked him up afterwards and told him that he was annoying ... he gave me this face. :-)