Summer is over :-(
Justin stayed in Montana with Landon on Labor Day. (more on that later) Evan and I had an Evan/Mama date day. Evan really wanted to go to the Dinosaur Museum so that is what we did. It was such a gorgeous day and ended up being a perfect day as well. We slept in, had a picnic, went through the museum at Evan's pace, signed up to make a fossil and drove home to get to sleep early.
It was a perfect little day for us and a great last day before school started.
I can't believe how much Evan has grown!!!! It blows my mind!!!! He is such a little man now. I put him on the bus today and he couldn't have been more excited! I, on the other hand, couldn't have been more conflicted. I am so excited for him. I know school is a good thing for him, BUT ................ I just want to freeze time. I struggle with my kids growing up. Obviously I do want them to grow up, I just really love my little kids. I love my time with them, and I LOVED having them with me all day during the summer.
I cried as the bus drove away with my smiling, happy, wonderful son. I love you Evan. I hope you have a GREAT school year!!!
Evan and Miss. Kyla
Yeah you are a boob but that's okay :) It's okay to be a boob every now and then.
His hair is getting pretty long. He's starting to look like a hippy.
Being a boob is being normal! Haha. Time flies too fast though
this is so cute :) haha He does look like a little man now, crazy how fast they grow!
Now you are beginning to understand some of the things I used to say or when I would say "you won't understand until you are a Mother."
aw! I totally understand about wanting to freeze time!! They are soo much fun to have when they are little. And it seriously goes by way too fast!! I love Evan's smile! It is a good thing that he loves school so much! =)
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