Thursday, August 21, 2014


We eat for all kinds of reasons. Whether it is a social activity or for survival eating is essential to life. 

If you know us at all you know that eating has been one of our biggest hurdles with Evan. This year has truly been a year of growth for him and us. In fact talking about it is hard for me, not because I don't want to talk about it but because it is so complex an issue. 

For the first month or so of this journey I talked with a counselor at the hospital almost daily because I was having such a hard time with everything. I was really looking forward to summer and having Evan with me full time again so I could hopefully discover more strategies and get Evan to develop acceptable innate eating habits that he has fought so hard against. 

Evan had an appointment with his dietician this week. It was the first appointment with the dietician that I didn't go into crying and walk out crying. In fact I am really happy with the place we have come to. We still have improvements to make but baby steps in a positive direction is enough to keep this mama happy. 

Now that summer is drawing to a close I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous. I hate that Evans school keeps him away all day as it is but now I have to let him leave and pray that the progress we have made in regards to eating will continue without me there. 

I am going to just hold on to the fact that, for now, I am doing a good job, and that for now things are improving. 

Great job Evan! He was pretty proud of himself for gaining weight.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to read this! Truly such wonderful news. Yea Evan!!! Yea momma!!! ❤️Tess