Monday, October 4, 2010

the results to my game

I am rather disappointed that only 2 people played my little game ... not even my family played!!!

Thankfully Irene and Kathy played my game, so here you go girls ... the results!!!


October 30, 2007

I LOVE this picture! Evan was only 3 months old and it perfectly displays his beautiful almond eyes! He was such a small baby and literally had NO hair! He was such an EASY baby to take care of, really a dream child :-)

February 5, 2007
(I didn't have any pictures on your birthday, so I chose the closest date that I did have pictures)
This picture is from the Medieval Fair in Gainesville. We went a couple of times while we lived there, but this is the first time we attended the event. I had always wanted to ride an elephant and I was tickled when Lacy said she would go with me. It was such a short, silly ride, but is still a wonderful memory for me.

Thanks for playing my game guys. It was fun for me to reminisce and I look forward to playing again in the future.


Lisa said...

Sorry, we've had company and it's been crazy but it was fun to see a picture for Irene & Kathy's birthdays :)

Anonymous said...

OK, better late than never...

June 24, 1995

xo Angela

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I did this a month or so ago so I figured I already had done it :)

motherofangels said...

Don't let your family get away with that haha. Thanks for the elephant photo! I knew my birthday was going to produce something remarkable!