Saturday, October 2, 2010

no joke!!!

Timmy has 2 days left before we make a final decision and tonight he almost met a different kind of fate.

I have been out at my sister in laws party and Justin is away for the night with Evan. I arrived home, put Landon in his crib, and took Timmy out to go potty. It is very late at night and I am watching Timmy hobble around when all of a sudden a HUGE owl swoops down from nowhere towards Timmy. I screamed (partially of fear, and partially of protection for Timmy) and ran to pick up our sweet pup. It was so crazy!

I have seen this owl standing in the street before. It was about a month ago and I was outside doing something. I saw an object in the middle of the rode and walked up closer to see what it was. I was stunned when I saw a huge white owl 10 feet from me. We stared at each other for a while and then he flew off. When this happened I thought it was a one time magical moment, not realizing that the very same owl (and it definitely was the same bird) would try and steal my injured dog!


Lisa said...


Peter and Mandy said...

Oh goodness!

Fred ... said...

That would have been quite freaky.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Oh my gosh! Owls are so creepy in my opinion...