Monday, September 29, 2008

Loads of Pictures ... Loads of FUN!!!

I just really loved these pictures of Evan at the park. We will always be a Gator family ... even if they lose to Ol' Miss. Look at Evans smile while Michael is pushing him.
This weekend we took the boys to a Monster truck show. Jared and Amanda are still out of town and they bought us all tickets to treat their little monsters. It was AWESOME!!!!!! I am one of those girls who loves trucks, loves off roading ... and this was just amazing! I have added another life dream to my bucket list. I WANT TO DRIVE A MONSTER TRUCK!!!!!!! Justin says I can do it when I am 30, we'll see if he changes his tune in 4 years.
This is during the monster truck races. It is unbelievable how LOUD these things are. People warn you, but you cannot comprehend just how loud it actually is.

This is how Evan spent the majority of the show.
Karalee and I bakin' in the sun. We left our house and it was on the chilly side of things. We all dressed for it to be cold. Well ... it was definitely NOT cold. We stripped down Evan and the boys as much as we could. This was all I could do for my outfit ... aren't I a fashionista??!!

Look at him fly!!!
We have more bragging rights now as parents. Our child fell asleep during a Monster Truck show ... remember how loud it was???? Yeah ... we know how lucky we are.

Logan is totally obsessed with Transformers. In fact that is all we ever hear him talk about. Well they had a real transformer at the show, and a battle between the good and the bad one. Logan's face was priceless while he watched a real transformer come to life. After it was done, he said to Karalee "Aunt Karalee ... I can't believe he talked to me!" It is all we heard about on the way home, and we are anticipating that it will be all we hear about for at least the next 4 months. :-) He is so cute.


Michelle Knight said...

That kid just doesn't stop being cute!

Lynn said...

YOu are SO fun! The best "auntie" for sure! : D

Those shows really are loud! I still have my earplugs from a show we went to YEARS ago. I don't know why I kept them. Maybe thought I'd be to another show someday.

Peter and Mandy said...

Wow I want to see more of the transformer part too.

Sarah said...

How fun! You hold Justin to that promise. I want to see that blog post in 4 years. (My friend got baby earmuffs for her kids in the hunting section at Walmart to use at monster truck rallies. In case you decide to make it a regular outing.) said...

I love the car transforming! And even better is Justin's fun commentary..."He is looking at us!" What a cool time and fun for little boy cousins. love you, Joy

Lisa said...

What fun for the boys!