Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Distracted Driving

Oh man, this is something that I have thought about a lot in the past year. I used to text and drive but slowly I have had a wake up call. I know that it is hard to drive while distracted and I made the decision a while ago to not text while driving so I could avoid meaningless accidents. After watching Oprah's show yesterday I think I am going to run right out and get a blue tooth (as soon as I find my wallet) so I am not talking on my phone while driving either. It just isn't worth it!


Carla McDaniel said...

i caught that episode too. really makes you think. is that call, message that important that it can't wait :)

Lisa said...

Dad gave me a head set and I use that when I am driving. I have texted while stopped at a red light and I have pulled over before to answer a text that I felt I needed to. I'm glad you are getting a blue tooth. It's illegal here in CA to drive while talking unless with a head set and it's illegal to text and drive.

Grandpa said...

It is now illegal to use any electronic devices while driving in B.C.

Peter and Mandy said...

You'll get a ticket here if you drive while on your phone. I just don't answer my phone if I'm driving.